Serve On Our
Board of Directors

Our Volunteer Board of Directors determine the strategic direction of the credit union, establish policies, approve goals and budgets that will meet the long range objectives of the credit union. Specific Duties:
Board members work with the Chairman, CEO and other board members to develop strategic direction, long-range plans and goals for the credit union. You will represent the interest of all members by regularly attending and participating in all Board meetings, planning sessions, appropriate committee meetings and special board sessions.

Authority: Board members have the authority to make decisions regarding the direction, objectives and policies of the credit union as well as the management of the CEO. They need to make sure that the credit union adheres to laws and regulations governing credit unions. Board members can and act only as a Board, not as individuals.

General Requirements: Volunteer Board members offer the credit union one of its greatest strengths. Board members need to have sound judgement, a willingness to learn and contribute to the group process. They do not need to be experts in financial management to make valuable contributions to the sound development of the credit union. In order for volunteer Board members to make their greatest contribution, the credit union has developed the following list of desired characteristics:

  • Mutual Respect and trust of fellow volunteers and staff
  • Acceptance of the role of Board members
  • Commitment to participate, share ideas, be heard and give consideration to ideas of others
  • Sharing the common organizational vision
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Following the “chain of command”
  • Being the image of a “Team Player” by:
  • Helping Team members attain goals
  • Supporting Team members
  • Accepting the good with the bad
  • Always displaying a constructive attitude internally and externally
  • Keeping organizational goals as the top priority, rather than individual goals
To apply, please fill out the document below and submit it no later than January 24, 2025 in any branch or by email to Richard Morris at or call 205.444.4377.

JCU Board of Directors Application