
A Word About Our Rates

When you borrow money at JCU, you’re probably going to pay less. When you save money here, you’re probably going to earn more than you would at most other financial institutions. Most other financial institutions are in business to make money. Lots of money. And, they do it by charging higher rates and fees if they loan you money; and, paying you less interest on your savings.

How can we do this and still keep our doors open? We charge you exactly what we need to keep the doors open and not a dime more. We’re not profit-driven; we’re mission-driven. Our mission is to give you access to affordable, flexible financial products that make your life easier. All while treating you exactly how we’d like to be treated: like a valued, trusted neighbor.

Loan Rates

*Rates below are current as of November/22/2024.  Please check back regularly. Rates are subject to change.
Rate Name APR
Vehicles 2022-Newer (Closed End) as low as 5.10%
Vehicles 2015-2021 (Closed End) as low as 6.20%
New Recreational Vehicles 2022 or Newer as low as 7.65%
Used Recreational Vehicles 2021 or Older as low as 7.90%
Personal Signature Loans (Closed End) as low as 10.80%
Rate Name APR
Back To School Loans as low as 10.80%
Personal Lines of Credit (Open End) as low as 12.90%
Visa Classic Credit Cards (Open End) as low as 9.65%
Visa Signature Rewards Credit Card (Open End) as low as 13.40%
Rate Name APR
Personal Credit Cards–Secured (Open End) 8.90%
Certificate Secured (Closed End) CD Rate + 2.00%
Share Secured–Variable Rate (Closed End) 2.10%–Highest Share Rate + 2.00%
Fixed Real Estate (Closed End) as low as 6.80%
Rate Name APR
Mobile Home–New (Closed End) as low as 5.25%
Real Estate–Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) (Closed End) Rate Changes Daily; 30 Year Freddie Mac 60 Day Commitment + Margin
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) (Open End) as low as 7.75%
Holiday Loans (only available during holiday season) 28%
Back-To-School Loans (only available during July and August) 28%
Prosperity Line of Credit 12.90%
Pathway 180 Line of Credit 17.90%

Deposit Rates

*Rates below are current as of November/22/2024.  Please check back regularly. Rates are subject to change.

Variable Rates1

Type Minimum Opening Deposit Balances (To earn stated dividend) Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY)2 Dividend Payment Frequency
Regular Share Savings $5.00 $25.00 and up 0.10% 0.10% Quarterly
My Choice Savings Club $0.00 $25.00 and up 0.10% 0.10% Monthly
Christmas Club $0.00 $0.01 and up 0.10% 0.10% Monthly
Jefferson Kids Club $0.00 $5.00 and up 0.10% 0.10% Monthly
Smart Change Savings $0.00 $25.00 and up 0.10% 0.10% Monthly
IRA Share Account $25.00 $100.00 and up 0.10% 0.10% Quarterly
Prosperity Money Market Account $2,500.00 $2,500.00—$9,999.99 1.00% 1.00% Monthly
Prosperity Money Market Account $2,500.00 $10,000.00—$24,999.99 1.09% 1.10% Monthly
Prosperity Money Market Account $2,500.00 $25,000.00—$49,999.99 1.24% 1.25% Monthly
Prosperity Money Market Account $2,500.00 $50,000.00—$99,999.99 1.49% 1.50% Monthly
Prosperity Money Market Account $2,500.00 $100,000.00 and up 1.98% 2.00% Monthly
Prosperity Checking $25.00 $0.01-$2,499.99 0.10% 0.10% Monthly
Prosperity Checking $25.00 $2,500 and up 0.20% 0.20% Monthly

Fixed Rates

Type Term (Months) Minimum Balance (To open & maintain certificate account) Dividend Rate  Annual Percentage Yield (APY)2 Dividend Payment Frequency
Prosperity Certificate of Deposit3 6 $500.00 3.93% 4.00% Monthly
Prosperity Certificate of Deposit3 12 $500.00 3.69% 3.75% Monthly
Prosperity Certificate of Deposit3 18 $500.00 3.20% 3.25% Monthly
Prosperity Certificate of Deposit3 24 $500.00 2.96% 3.00% Monthly
Prosperity Certificate of Deposit3 36 $500.00 2.72% 2.75% Monthly
Prosperity Certificate of Deposit3 60 $500.00 2.96% 3.00% Monthly
IRA Certificates—Trad., Roth, Edu. 12 $100.00 3.69% 3.75% Monthly
IRA Certificates—Trad., Roth, Edu. 60 $100.00 2.96% 3.00% Monthly

** Deduct .25% for automatic loan payments.

The balance shown is the required balance to earn interest at the stated rate. The Balance Method for computing interest is the average daily balance of the account. Rates are subject to change without notice. Interest on other listed savings accounts is paid monthly. Some accounts have transfer/withdrawal limitations. Fees for excessive or early withdrawal may affect the expected earnings on an account. Refer to Truth in Savings Agreement and Disclosure.
2APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends on Regular Shares are paid quarterly.
3Dividends on Prosperity Certificates of Deposit cap at $999,999.99.
4Pathway 180 Money Manager Account is required to purchase a Pathway 180 Certificate.

This supplement is incorporated into, becomes a part of and should be attached to your Agreements and Disclosures. The Annual Percentage Yields (APY) and corresponding dividend rates for each account are shown above. For the purposes of this disclosure, these rates and APY’s were offered within the most recent seven calendar days. The Dividend Rates and APY’s shown herein are current as of the effective date. For more current rates, please call 205-444-4528.